Treatment of Uterine Fibroids & Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)

Dr. Rajiv Kotgire, MD(Hom)

Active Homoeopathy, Kalyan

The uterus is the reproductive sex organ of a human. One end, the cervix, opens into the vagina, while the other is connected to fallopian tubes. It is within the uterus that the fetus develops during pregnancy and gain nutrition from the mother. The uterus is responsible for the secretion of various hormones before, during and after pregnancy hence keeping mother and child both healthy. After menopause uterus continues to regulate the oestrogen hormone hence protecting females from osteoporosis i.e destruction of bones.

Fibroid is also known as leiomyoma; fibromyoma; myoma.
# Fibroid is Benign tumours of muscle and connective tissue that develop within or are attached to the uterine wall. 
# It Occurs mostly in the reproductive age group ( 16-45 yrs of age ). Oestrogen hormones, growth hormones have been implicated in the growth of fibroids.

# Due to hormonal imbalance, thickening of the muscle layer of uterine wall occur resulting in the formation of fibroids. 
# It is suggested that fibroids enlarge with Oestrogen therapy (such as oral contraceptives).
# Fibroids can be microscopic, but they can also grow to fill the uterine cavity, weighing several pounds. It is possible for a single fibroid to develop, which begin as small seedlings spread throughout the muscular walls of the uterus. 
# They slowly enlarge and become more modular, frequently intruding into the cavity of the uterus or growing out beyond the normal boundary of the uterus. 
Emotional cause:-when a female is under continuous stress due to any problem with her husband or children or anyone for whom she cares like her child, she is more susceptible to suffering from a disease like uterine fibroid and polycystic ovarian disease. It is because of the disturbance in female hormones like oestrogen whose level in the body is directly related to the emotional plane (attachment).   

These fibroids are of three types in generals :
1) Intramural or Interstitial ( 75% ):-commonest  (heavy  bleeding)
2)Submucosal ( 15% )
3)Subserosous ( 10% )


  1.  Symptoms present as excessive vaginal bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back, feeling abdominal lump, increased vaginal discharges.
  2.  Pressure symptoms like increased frequency of urination or retention of urine.


The ovary is an egg-producing reproductive organ, often found in pairs as part of the female reproductive system. Ovaries are both gonads(egg production) and endocrine glands(secreting various hormones responsible for the menstrual cycle). Ovaries are responsible for maintaining the pregnancy up to the delivery of the fetus. 

# Polycystic ovarian (PCOD) is one of the most common female endocrine disorders. 
# PCOD produces symptoms in approximately 5% to 10% of women of reproductive age (16–45 years old). 
# It is thought to be one of the leading causes of female sub infertility.


PCOD is a complex, heterogeneous disorder. There is strong evidence that it is a genetic disorder. Such evidence includes the familial history of cases and the heritability of endocrine and metabolic features of PCOD. 
It also occurs due to an imbalance in the hormonal level in the body.
# Other precipitating causes include excessive misuse of cosmetic and beauty cream by females, misuse of medicines, history of too many abortion.



  1.  Irregularities in menstrual period.
  2.  Amenorrhoea ( absent menses ).
  3.  Dysmenorrhoea ( very painful menses ).
  4.  Obesity in females.
  5.  Freckles on face.


#  Homoeopathy gives weightage to “who is suffering”, whether than what she is suffering from. This means when other sciences aim at treating diseases in man, homoeopathic science at the very inception, has been devised to treat the man in disease.

#  In modern science homoeopathy, the emphasis is given to remove the cause, the effect will disappear automatically.
#  Homoeopathic science strictly believe that all diseases occur with the permission of an individual genetic code.
#  Same is true for fibroid in uterus and PCOD’s these diseases are also governed by and dependent on the genetic code and consider the patient as a whole. That is why in homoeopathic case taking the whole history of the patient i.e her physical symptoms, nature and behaviour, with her surroundings ups and downs in life, is taken into consideration and after a complete history of the patient, the homoeopathic medicine is selected which acted on the patient as a whole and help her to live a healthy life.

#  After the right homoeopathic medicine, the internal system starts working normally and the hormonal balance is maintained in the female, menses starts coming regularly and properly.

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